Learn about Rainbows & Rhymes.

class of kids

Rainbows & Rhymes is a year-round child care ministry of First United Methodist Church offering full and half day options for children ages 3-5.

From our creation in 1994, the church has been committed to ministry to families with young children through Rainbows & Rhymes. Our program has evolved from a Parents Day Out, to the addition of a half day preschool, and finally to providing a full day option to meet changing community needs.  Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are provided.  CCDF Tuition Vouchers and On my Way PreK scholarships are accepted.  We hold a Level 3 (of 4 levels) Paths to Quality program rating in Indiana’s voluntary quality rating system.   Our teachers complete many hours of professional development annually and most of the staff have earned or are taking classes to earn the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential.  Our program content is guided by Creative Curriculum and Second Step Social Emotional Curriculum.

 Mission and Vision:  

We aspire to help children develop a love for God, a love for learning, positive self-esteem, and respect for others. We provide a warm, nurturing, Christian based environment which emphasizes social skills, academic readiness, and emotional and spiritual development of every child.


As a church, we are committed to help our child care shortage by offering year-round quality, extended-day programming 5 days a week for 3–5-year-old students. We offer child care from 6:45 am - 5:30 pm.