We have the program for you.

Rainbows & Rhymes is a full day, year-round program open 6:45 AM until 5:30 PM. 

kids painting

Part day preschool options are also available as enrollment allows.  Students must be at least 3 years old and potty trained (no pull-ups ). An annual registration fee is collected when enrolling.

  • Full day students may attend between 6:45 am and 5:30 pm and will be served breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

  • Morning only students will arrive 7:45 – 7:55, will be served a snack, and will be picked up at 11:30 am.

  • Students also attending Willson Preschool will have a customized schedule.  The Willson bus will provide transportation between Willson and FUMC.  Ask us for details.

  • Summer Only Preschool students will be enrolled as full day or partial day students as space permits.  Contact the director for details.

For 3-year-old Students

Students may enroll  for the full day program, for 5 mornings per week,  for 3 mornings per week, or for afternoon only care.

For PreK Students

Students may enroll for the full day program, for 5 mornings per week, for wrap around care with Willson Preschool, or for afternoon care only.

Please note:  The availability of all programs is subject to enrollment and availability of staff.