Pastor Brian Campbell and our church family welcome you to join us in this journey through life.  Welcome!


 Rainbows & Rhymes is a child care ministry of our church.  We consider your family to be part of our church family.  Whether you attend another church, are looking for a church family, are just curious about us, or need our help, we are always here for you!

Are you in need of prayer?  Click here or call the office at 362-4817 to share a prayer request

We invite you to worship with us Sunday mornings at 9:00 in person or join us on:

We enjoy donuts and fellowship immediately after service, followed by Sunday School for all ages 10:10 – 11:00

 FUMC Youth Groups 

Youth Mission Statement:  To engage our community’s youth in a relationship with God; to equip them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ; and to display servant leadership in our hope to develop our youth into resilient disciples!

Weekly Gatherings:

Sunday Youth Group  grades 6-12                        6 p.m. - 8 p.m.                         FUMC - Room 201

games, fun, biblical study group

Sunday Junior Youth   grades 2-5      4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.                  FUMC - Room 200

Monthly Activities:

Special Activities to build relationships include day trips, service projects, church camp and fundraising projects.

Learn more about First United Methodist Church and our ministries and programs on our website.

FUMC MISSION: To GO make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world


While our mission is the fuel that moves us forward, our vision is the vehicle in which we accomplish what God is calling FUMC to do here in Crawfordsville. Our vision is best summed up in four key phrases:


Abide in Christ

This is the foundation of everything. If we are not abiding in Christ, we are missing the point of Jesus' work to reconnect us with the Father. Our first priority in FUMC is to be a congregation that abides in the wonderful presence of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Pray and Obey 

We keep it pretty simple. Pray, and then do what the Holy Spirit directs you to do. If you are truly abiding in Christ, you will listen for His direction in your life and simply follow the sound of His voice.


Family Strong 

We believe that God has called us to be a family of believers. Whether you are a single person, married couple, functional or dysfunctional family, we believe that we can be your family.


Kingdom Mindset 

It doesn't matter what you are doing, if you are doing it from our old, earthly mindset it never turns out very well. However, we believe that we are called to live right now in the mindset of the God's Kingdom. It's amazing how our being and doing change when we ask the Spirit to teach us to think like Jesus. After all, we do have the mind of Christ.